E-mu Emulator Sampler User Forum for the EIII EII EI and EIII XP

General Category => EIII XP Technical Issues / Tips => Topic started by: arnoldorodeo on November 26, 2017, 07:54:51 AM

Title: Would need help with mounting cf reader
Post by: arnoldorodeo on November 26, 2017, 07:54:51 AM
Hi !

My old Emax2 rack is broken so I removed the cf reader of it & I would like to mount it inside my beloved EIII XP. Before doing any mistake I prefer asking some advices here on the forum.
My skills are very basic (though I replaced with an OLED screen many month ago). I took some pictures to show you this card reader in order to make things right about the connections.

I saw on others forums that some scsi ribbon needed to be inverted? Is it true about the EIIIXP?
Basically I have Translator 6 that could allow me to format cards but is it preferable to make it with EMXP?
Any help would be welcome !

Here are the pictures below :

Title: Re: Would need help with mounting cf reader
Post by: Manghitsuo on December 06, 2017, 05:02:46 AM
there's a PCD-50B reader inside my XP, I didn't have to invert the ribbon cable.

I've formatted the most recent CF with EMXP but used the sampler to put the OS in it.
Because I have no room to fit both the reader and the FDD inside the sampler that meant to open the case and momentarily connect the FDD... not really convenient but it worked.

I hope this is of any help to you.

Title: Re: Would need help with mounting cf reader
Post by: arnoldorodeo on January 07, 2018, 03:48:04 AM
there's a PCD-50B reader inside my XP, I didn't have to invert the ribbon cable.

I've formatted the most recent CF with EMXP but used the sampler to put the OS in it.
Because I have no room to fit both the reader and the FDD inside the sampler that meant to open the case and momentarily connect the FDD... not really convenient but it worked.

I hope this is of any help to you.

Many thanks ! It helps a lot !