Title: My EIIIXS doesn't recognize internal HDD help! Post by: John2 on March 16, 2012, 05:19:13 PM Hi all,
when I select drives in my EIIIXS (ver 2.10, booted from diskette) it don't see internal hard drive, I tried to format the drive and it allow to select Quantum CTS40S in Format menu... but when I start formating after a several seconds it says: SCSI Hardware error! I don't have any external SCSI devices, but I have one SCSI terminator plugged into the port, also I tried to change EIII SCSI ID different from 7 and problem still there.... How I can fix it and what need to do with my hard drive? (when sampler boot at first time I hear that the hard drive has working sound then it make stopping) Sorry for my english! Title: Re: My EIIIXS doesn't recognize internal HDD help! Post by: lubb on March 17, 2012, 09:50:57 AM Hi,
unplug the external terminator (for the internal HD should be terminated internally), make sure there is not a SCSI ID conflict (the SCSI IDs of the internal HD and the EIIIX must be different!) and try to format the internal HD again. If it fails again, could indicate a dead drive... Title: Re: My EIIIXS doesn't recognize internal HDD help! Post by: John2 on March 18, 2012, 04:27:45 AM Thank you, I'll try to check all nuances today and let you know by email!