Title: Strange midi behaviour with EXMP Post by: lunatic on January 19, 2013, 07:24:38 AM I have my EMuSer set up with either Emax or Emulator II. All works fantastic but i keep gettin midi issues, when connected to my Motu Timepiece AV USB. When the Emulator II is connected with both in and output EXMP won't start to transfer at all. When i pull one midi plug the transfer will start. However i don't get this issues with my RME Multiface. All E-mu devices seem to share this problem. I.e. when i start the step editor on my SP-12 it will crush my Motu Timepiece as well. Any ideas on this?
Title: Re: Strange midi behaviour with EXMP Post by: Freddy on January 19, 2013, 08:16:46 AM I heard that the Midi and RS422 interface on the Emax share the same communication chips which cannot handle a parallel communication. Thats why Im surprised that it seemed to work with your RME interface.
Title: Re: Strange midi behaviour with EXMP Post by: lunatic on January 19, 2013, 11:09:11 AM The Timepiece is new and i thought it would work correctly. Never hab any issues with my Multiface at all. I wish RME would release a midi interface... :'(