Title: Drumulator technician Post by: Jvpiter8 on November 19, 2014, 08:04:43 AM Hi guys. I recently bought a drumulator, latest revision with factory midi. Pretty good shape, everything worked fine until a week ago. It hanged up. After letting cooling off the display said Bad at star and some of the sounds sound very distorted, not even recognizable. Just the bdrum sounds ok.
Any technician near the Ohio area? Thanks. Title: Re: Drumulator technician Post by: gertie on November 19, 2014, 10:19:44 AM you could try doing a reset to see if that fixes it....it may be that your battery is dead
(if its your battery then any electronics technician can fix it locally) http://www.circuitbenders.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1616.0;wap2 If you are getting the BAd error message at start-up you can try clearing all memory using the following button push sequence, but remember this will wipe any patterns you may have stored: Switch on. Press the song/segment button so that the segment mode is selected. Hold down the Insert/Erase button and press the Cassette button once, do not release the Insert/Erase button. The message "poof" appears in the screen (no, really). Whilst still holding down Insert/Erase press the Enter button. Switch off and on again - all memory should now be cleared and the BAd message should be gone and the Drumulator should work normally. It's also worth changing the internal battery as they were only meant to last for 5 years or so - you need a 2/3 AA, 3v Lithium battery with solder tags (2 tags not 3). Title: Re: Drumulator technician Post by: Jvpiter8 on November 19, 2014, 01:30:21 PM Thanks Gertie. Ill try to do a reset. What I'm mostly worried about is that some of the drums just spit distorted noise. That might be a memory issue?
Title: Re: Drumulator technician Post by: obsoletemachines on April 13, 2015, 01:03:46 AM Hi, I have gone through a lot of this and I'm down to a faulty demux. Check your tl084s
Title: Re: Drumulator technician Post by: dr.c on April 19, 2015, 02:35:15 PM Check you analog PSU, and sound roms as well