Title: A few questions... Post by: 80sboy on December 27, 2016, 12:50:15 PM Ok - on my 3rd Drumulator....I keep selling them, and then finding another!
Just installed midi into this one, looking to reinstall the factory patterns, I have the file but I keep getting bAD when trying to load it in from my iphone. Does anyone have a good system for loading this? I also have the Rock Drums A-D, but not the OS Rom for those, so when theyre installed with the factory OS3.0 ROM they play out of order, does anyone happen to have the .bin file for that? Also I am getting ALOT of transformer hum, I tightened it up a little bit with some zip ties but its still making quite a hum. Can the transformer either be replaced, or is there a better way to fix the humming? thats it for now! Thanks! tom Title: Re: A few questions... Post by: dr.c on December 30, 2016, 02:35:14 PM Change the capacitors and as well, the diode bridges.