Title: E-mu Emax 1 HD SE Plus Upgrade kit Post by: Freddy on June 22, 2020, 11:19:38 PM I upgraded several Emax to SCSI models during this general Corona shutdown. I still have a few kits left. The parts are legit new old stock or completely new parts. It comes with:
- SCSI chip - Firmware chip - TIM PAL - external SCSI connector - Plus OS Floppy Disk - A commented upgrade manual I have also added countless hints and explanations to the manual to make soldering easier and to enable even beginners to perform this upgrade. The kit costs 100Euro, shipping 12Euro. If you need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me :) PS.: Unfortunately Version 1 CPU motherboards cannot be upgraded. Also if you are unsure, add a picture of your motherboard (the larger of the two) to your personal message. Title: Re: E-mu Emax 1 HD SE Plus Upgrade kit Post by: MarkGerber on April 08, 2021, 01:37:03 AM PM sent
Title: Re: E-mu Emax 1 HD SE Plus Upgrade kit Post by: Little_buddha on April 24, 2022, 04:33:35 AM Hello
Any Upgrade kits left? |