Title: SCSI drive Post by: TFP on December 23, 2022, 02:06:48 PM I have an EIII XP rack unit that needs an internal hard drive. Do you know the largest MB size that will work?
The broken one I have is 52 MB. I have been looking on EBay so any advice appreciated. Thank you! TFP Title: Re: SCSI drive Post by: brian_ronn on January 04, 2023, 12:32:25 AM Hi
If you have maxed out your ram at 32Mb then you'll be able to address a 3,2 Gb harddrive. I advice you to go the scsi2sd or Zuluscsi route instead of a traditional harddrive. The scsi2sd or Zuluscsi use SD cards which means no mechanical noise, heat or wear and tear. Furthermore you can swap drives as you wish. Best regards Brian |