E-mu Emulator Sampler User Forum for the EIII EII EI and EIII XP

General Category => For Sale => Topic started by: ProudEmaxOwner on August 18, 2010, 03:08:03 AM

Title: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: ProudEmaxOwner on August 18, 2010, 03:08:03 AM
Bit pricey, it's also on Sound on Sound. Hard Drive is frigged:


Also, someone's trying to sell an Emax II for £625?!

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: Elmbeatz on August 18, 2010, 03:34:32 AM
Still after the EII, aren't ya  8)

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: ProudEmaxOwner on August 18, 2010, 04:54:25 AM
Yes, granny has been notified she's going to be used as part exchange.  ;D

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: Bigmojo on August 18, 2010, 09:38:49 AM
There are two E3's for sale in the uk right now.

One with frigged hard drive and One with frigged power supply.

Frigged power supply is Alan Wilders old one. Mint otherwise. Up in Scotland.... Nice fella selling it. He called me today

Frigged hard drive is in Kent. Fella moving to Australia. Exchanged emails but he wants too much.

I spoke to a service centre. Advice was that there are no spares . Power supply would be repaired. But much more may be wrong with it. As for hard drive one, don't know.  If it was mine I'd get it seen to before I sold it. As a potential buyer I would want to take the risk that it's not just a drive .

The guy selling the Emax doesnt know what its worth. It was up for 600, then I called him to see if there was a deal, he got off the phone and put the price up to 800 convinced he had the be all and end all of emaxes.... I mailed him and asked him why. He said it was worth 800, then he dropped the price to 625...   I offered him a price on it stating that 2 went last week for 275 each... and he said no because he had 10 watchers. I informed him that a lot of the watchers could be existing owners.  He then said it was his auction/price and he wont accept less.  Best of luck to him but I cant get to this money when I could get a newer E4/4XT/6400/e5000 and a controller keyboard for a lot less.

My search continues.

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: Elmbeatz on August 18, 2010, 02:28:33 PM
emax II ?!   ::)

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: Bigmojo on August 18, 2010, 07:18:50 PM
Yep, the emax II.

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: Bigmojo on August 19, 2010, 04:00:06 PM
Price on emax 2 now at £499 but it now only... What he offered it to me for.   

Title: Re: EIII on UK Ebay.
Post by: ProudEmaxOwner on August 21, 2010, 12:27:57 AM
So did anyone get Alan's one then, seems to have gone.

funny how every EMU ad on every site seems to have belonged to Al, lol. Hope he was genuine. Last I heard, (EMU wise only, I know he has loads of other stuff) Alan still had an Emax 2, and Emulators 1, 2 and 3, hope he hasn't sold them all.

Vince Clarke requested to follow me on Twitter last night, the real deal...  ;D