Hi all,
I got an EII+ in for repair last week, and the PSU is blown in the usual way. Q103 is shorted, R106 is open. R114 is open, C111 shows a permanent low resistance both ways, R107 has burnt out, the other remaining components around the chopper transistor seem OK, but my experiences of weird switchers would lead me to replace them anyway, just in case. My question is, is this going to be enough to get this PSU working again? or is there anything else I should watch for to prevent another meltdown on switch on. By the way the fuses were not blown, and the only discoloration on the low voltage power connector was on the two green 0V returns, and not the yellow wires that have been mentioned on this forum.
If the replacement parts mentioned would make it work again, then I would consider re-capping the entire power supply, and that leads to another question, for about the same kind of money I could get and fit a brand new Condor GPC-130C power supply, which is newer, more efficient, probably a better design, and as I need to replace the crimp connectors in the low voltage output connector anyway, rewiring the output connector in some form or other is going to be necessary anyway.
How have everyone managed with repairing the original supplies, and was it worth it?