As long as there's enough filtering on a switching PSU to get rid of line noise, shouldn't it work?
Yes that's true. In fact, I think 80sboy may have been mistaken in his assessment. The EIII uses
only a switching PSU:
EIII uses a switching power supply. We do not repair these supplies at the factory...
However, it can also depend on the load. If the EIII isn't drawing enough power from the PSU, the PSU might not have enough load to function properly. Switching PSUs have both minimum and maximum load specifications. The Arrow Electronics PSU has only a 1A minimum current draw requirement on the 5V line. No other requirements on the other outputs.
The Condor 130C PSU 80sboy tried initially may have been oversized. It has a 3A minimum on the 5v line and is a 130W PSU.
If I have time, I will take an ammeter to determine exactly how much current is drawn (on average) by each of the PSU lines, to better determine what rating of PSU will be optimal.