The Midi was set to thrue and changing that to out I got the following:
It's interesting to know that the RS422 function is indeed very dependent on the MIDI settings.
Next to this MIDI Out setting, it's also good to know that EMXP is always using MIDI channel 01 for RS422 bank transfers
If the MIDI channel is set to another value on the Emax, communication will fail. I will resolve this in the next version of EMXP.
Errorcode 1048
Communication failure. The sampler doesn't give the expected SYSEX response. Response is F0 7E 0 7D, Expected response is F0 7E 0 7E.
The Emax responding with: Aborted- bad ACK for Packet #0000.
It seems the Emax is sending a NACK on the very first data packet sent by EMXP.
This could be caused by a timing problem.
It typically occurs if the "Delay time for changing port speed" (Emax-I RS422 communication preference 15 in EMXP) is too high with respect to the speed of your computer. The default is 50 msec, but you might have to lower it.
Other preferences that you may have to slightly change are 19, 20 and 21 (delay times for bulk transfers)