Hi All, I'm new to this Emu forum, which I must say is great!
Thought you might like to know that I'm having to sell my Oberheim DPX1 Sample Player which I used extensively on my album "Gate 36", which you can hear at:
www.electrapilot.com (move the cursor over the 9 images to hear snippets of the songs). The DPX1 works perfectly with the Sony CDS3 CD-ROM system via a standard Sony 9 pin to 9 pin D connector (as opposed to the 9 pin to 25 pin one for my EII). This one also has the optional extra output card which had the rare HDX-20 interface (for Oberheim's own storage system). The main reason I'm having to sell this and many other items (My EIV) is the album cost me an extortionate amount of money to make because I used a big studio and booked real strings players (oh dear)!!! Also, I've had to downsize to a smaller flat and that's made matters worse!
By all means check it out on ebay at:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=290326809526I'll be really sorry to see this bad boy go but that's life. Anyway, hope I can get involved in some of the technical issues as I've been using the Emu range since 1985.
All the best,