E-mu Emulator Sampler User Forum for the EIII EII EI and EIII XP - WARNING-NEED TO RECALIBRATE!

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Author Topic: WARNING-NEED TO RECALIBRATE!  (Read 2752 times)
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« on: August 01, 2011, 09:06:13 AM »

Hi all, my Emax HD/SE/RETRO is starting to act strange- again. After being powered on for about half an hour or so, the display starts scrambling garbage characters, then goes blank. It will still play whatever bank is loaded, but very transposed.
It will only return to normal after being powered down for at least an hour, BUT it flashes "WARNING-NEED TO RECALIBRATE!" right after it boots.
The thing is, I do recalibrate everything except the footswitch (not used) and save the results, but it wants recalibration every time I turn it on now.
If I ignore the message and load a bank without calibration, the sounds are all transposed up by about 3-4 keys.
I was suspecting the PSU as it felt unusually warm compared to other Emax's I have had in the past, but why wouldn't it save and remember the calibration if that were the case?


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Posts: 71

« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 09:30:06 AM »

Sounds like the rail voltages might be dropping due to swollen or dry caps. Try replacing the caps on the PSU. I had a similar screen issue with an Emax II that was resolved with a ReCap of the PSU. Sounds like the the Emax is also losing it's CV calibrations


Soft: MBP 15", X-Station, Logic X, U-He Diva, Camel Alchemy,
Hard: MPC1K, Emax I, Emax II, Emulator II, E-Synth, Waldorf Q, AS Telemark, AS Leipzig-SK, AS Vostok, Oberheim TVS-1, Roland Promars,
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