Hi Everyone,
I think I have worked out the last of the major bugs in my latest release of the EIII Remote Controller/Librarian for Mac OS X 10.6 and up.
You can download it here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cggx3egp7x43ifv/EIII%20Remote%20Beta%202.0.zip?dl=0In order for the librarian to work, you must follow the instructions from the original EIII Remote Controller written by Bob Bliss. Primarily this means you should use bank B00 as a means to label each of your drives (removable media etc.). That way you can search banks and know which disks these banks reside on.
Please let me know how this version works out and if the librarian works for everyone. It was quite difficult to create the logic to press all the right buttons and then scrape the display for the correct response to move on to pushing the next button and so on. But I think the timing is quite fast (about 5 minutes to catalog a volume of 40 banks on my Mac Pro running 10.6. 8 ). Of course you are limited mostly by the speed of the EIII and your hard drive or (preferably) CF card. I am not sure how the librarian would work if you have a slow hard drive in your EIII.
The App will create a preference file and a sqlite database file in the directory from where you run the App. FYI.
I am hoping to take a little break from this app in order to focus more on making music again. It has been fun to delve into this, and now to have a searchable library, this makes my sample collections (and building a future collection) even more fun.
Oh I should note a little bonus key shortcut: If you press "Y" and "N" (upper case versus lower), it will send ~10 key presses, so you can quickly move around the alphabet when entering sample names etc. I might release a small update to permit keyboard entry of names to rename banks, samples etc. rather than using keyboard shortcuts, but there are some characters that can't be directly addressed by MIDI note messages and I'd like these characters to work also. There may be a Data Slider message that I can send to precisely dial-up these extra characters to make the data entry aspect more pleasant.
Kind Regards,
DDV Dave