Hello Jab, my EII is equipped with HxC floppy drive Emulator and SD Card. So I downloaded an HFE image.
http://www.emxp.net/Additional_downloads.htm ---> Emulator II ZM325 Memory Test Disk File
But I want to advise you, the floppy/image testing program seems bugged.
In my case, testing halted as soon as scan was starting, crashing.
So I bought the EII Debug EPROM.
I changed the original boot EPROM on IC42 with the debug one.
Then I connected a serial null modem cable DB9 / DB25 from COM port on my pc to serial port on EMULATOR II.
You have to pay attention to pins wiring.
Then I ran on my terminal program in Windows, I used "Termite", and set it to:
9600 baud, 7 databits, 2 stop bits, no-parity, RTS/CTS Flow, Append CR-LF
Turning on the Emulator, you should see something like this:
Emulator 2 Main CPU Debuggin Monitor
Version 0.00 ? August 4, 1984
CRT Interface and ROM work (obviously)
Checking static RAM
Static RAM OK ? Type ?HE? for help>then you have to type:
T M 0 + enter
and it gave me another RAM error address.
So I investigating from there, I think the resulting error code is "true" now.