Hi, I was lucky and got hold of an EIII 8mb keyboard today
I noticed two things when I demoed it: When playing the pitchbendwheel it only seems to have an effect in the downdirection. Has anyone experienced this/know what the cause may be?
Also, the backlight is dead. Anyone know where I can buy a new one to install myself?
There also was a rack with two storageunits on the bargain: an RM45 45mb Removable Media Storage system and an Optical Media Universal CD player and some cdroms called Ligthwave 1 and 2.. One of the drives had a problem with the doormechanism the seller said.
Could I also perhaps use my standard scsi CDROM player and the EIII cdroms that came standard with my EIV Ultra with the EIII or are these optimised for the EIV?
I haven't tested it fully yet so I might come back with more questions