Hi everyone!
This is my first post here. Great to see a forum that has an EII category.
To give you a short history of the odyssey I've been through I start with the fixes I had to do after buying my EII of ebay.
1. problem the EII had was some dead switches and output jacks. The switches and jacks can be bought from DIGIKEY in the US. The part numbers are Jack: SC1122-ND Switch: EG1321-ND (black). If you live in Germany and want to save some money I recommand ordering the Jacks at RS-Electronics. The Switches can be cleaned in some cases. Just solder them out, open them and clean the contacts inside (its a painful job but it works).
2. After a while using the EII I noticed the scratchy sounds already described in this section. I tracked down the defective RAMs and exchanged them with new ones form Reichelt Electronics in Germany. They still seem to have them in stock.
3. The diskdrive 1 was not responding. This was a very simple problem since I just had to clean the head inside the floppy drive. I used some Q-tips and spirit to do this.
After fixing all that I got a EII in great working condition...
Next I wanted to do some modifications
My EII is serial Number 326 so it has a Rev.0 board inside. This means I can not hook it up to my Mac without soldering a RS422 Mac interface. What I did was etching some small board to fit excactly inside IC108 and IC132. But heres the problem...the board does not communicated with the Mac. The cable I soldered is fine and the original RS232 interface works perfect. I tested that with the debug EPROM and I was able to communicate and do some test routines. All connections on the Mac board seem to be according to the schematics. I even exchanged the metal resistors with carbon just in case this could be the cause. Now I run out of options. I simply have no idea what the cause might be. What I realized was that if I connect Pin 22 of IC107 to 5Volts (as described in the troubleshooting manual for the RS422 interface) IC132 (the transmit IC) gets very hot and I think it dies.
I also checked if all kludges are done to the EII and that is fine as well. Scanner and Main EPROM are fine. OS is the correct version as well. I also tried about everything on the Mac side. Appletalk on/off, Mac Mode on the EII, no MIDI cables connected you name it...
What could be the cause? Anyone here who built the MacInterface by himself?
Anyone with similar problems?
Please help! This is getting very frustrating