There are three or four circuits, aligned verticaly, on top of each others, labelle 4051. It can be CD14051, MCI4051, HFE4051, etc... They are analog multiplexers, used as sample&hold.
One is for the eight channel volumes, another for the filters, a third for the Q, etc...
I believe that one of them is overheating.
Just put your fingers on them, you will feel them. DO NOT INTERVERT THEM.
First, find a a floppy from another machine and see if it does the same. This nebause the adjustments are in the boot software, wich means when you try another diskette, you have to start the machine with it.
Okay;.. now, change the circuits ONLY IF YOU HAVE TO. If you change one of them, you have to recalibrate tha whole machine again ! I have NEVER done any f... calibration on these machines, its a hell, and it has to be fully calibrated before its too hot ! That's a track to follow, uh ?
If you machine works with the news diskette, then go to Special 14 and rewrite the software on EVERY diskette you have, yes, every ones. But be absolutely sure the machine works with this diskette first !
lemt me know, send me an email